This TON-80 submitted
by brady warren at 10:58 PM on 1/19/02.
January 16, 2001
Soft-Tip Darts
not in one, too young
Hartford, South Dakota
well i'm not old enough to be in a league so I just practice by myself and play my friends. I was throwing my 97% tungsten soft-tips and listening to Metallica when I threw a triple-twenty. I figured well, that's new. So, I threw again and I hit it again. Now I'm tellin ya this is fricken amazing to me alright, I mean I'm 15 years old and I've beat my 2 aunts (in a dart league)my 2 uncles (not in a league) and my brother a few times (he's good but can't be in a league because of work) so I decided to use the same motion as I did the previous times, and I hit it! I immediately called my aunt and asked her what that was called and she told me: Ton-80! so that is how i first threw a Ton-80. oh yeah, I was playin 301 (my favorite game.
My darts round of 180 points with 3 darts was Witnessed by: